Last Updated: Oct 15, 2024     Views: 200

There are several ways to check and see if the library has access to a publication (scholarly journals, trade journals, magazines, newspapers, and other serial publications).

1) Start by typing or copying and pasting the full name of the journal in our Discovery Search box (located under the heading: "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?") on our library homepage, or on the Discovery Search page. Switch the search type to "Journals" in the links provided. If we have access, it should be in the first few results.

2) Click the "Journals" link under the main search box on the library homepage ( to get to the Journals page. Then:

a) Find journals by title, subject, or ISSN in the "Search Journals on BrowZine" box to begin your search. If we have access, it should be in the first few results; Or

b) Type the full name of the journal Title or the ISSN in the "Search the Journal Title Database" box to begin your search. If we have access, it should be in the first few results.

3) From the Discovery Search page, click the "JOURNAL SEARCH" link located at the top of the page. Then type the full name of the journal Title or the ISSN in the "Journal Search" box.  If we have access, it should be in the first few results.

The search results will show if we have access at all, and for what date range(s). Results are shown grouped by provider, so you'll need to review the entries to determine which one covers that dates you need. The database will list both electronic and physical formats, if available. If available electronically, click on the journal link and you should be able to search within that publication.

If you don't get a result, you can request for an article through Interlibrary Loan (login to your ILLiad account).

Please note that some journals are only found in subject related or specific databases. You can check the Research Guide to see recommended databases by academic department.

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