It depends on where the book is currently located.
At Newman Library, where most of the books are in the stacks on the 3rd or 5th floor, or located in the Popular Reading Collection area on the 2nd floor of Newman Library, just bring the book to the Services Desk, near the Main Entrance, on the 2nd floor with your Hokie Passport/Community Borrowers Card, or to the self-checkout stations right next to the Services Desk. If the books do not check out properly, please bring them to the Services Desk, and our staff can help you. You can also do that process at any of our branch libraries during daytime hours.
Depending on your borrower status, Undergraduates and VA residents/Community Card holders can check out up to 50 items (except for DVDs - the limit is up to 3 DVDs at time). Virginia Tech Faculty/Staff and Graduate students can check out up to 150 items.
For further checkout periods and limits, please see the Borrowing tab from the Books & Media page.