Last Updated: Aug 16, 2024 Views: 623
To request for or place a hold for an item, please try the steps below:
Step 1)* Locate your book in our Discovery Search box (located under the heading: "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?") on our home page, such as searching for the title of the book, narrowing your search to "Books" and/or "Library Catalog" on the results or Discovery Search page, then click on the book title link to take you to the item page.
Step 2)* Log into your library account using the "Sign in" link to check if there are any request options. The "Sign in" link can also be located at the top right corner of the results or Discovery Search page, or as My Account from the Menu (top right).
* NOTE: Steps 1) and 2) can be followed in reverse order.
Step 3) Locate the "Request" link on the item page to place a hold (under LOCATIONS > LOCATION ITEMS).
Step 4) Select your "Pickup Location" (for example: Newman Library, or any other University Libraries branches).
Step 5) Confirm your request by selecting the "SEND REQUEST" link (at the bottom).
Books are pulled twice a day, in the morning and again late afternoons.
If the book is located at another University Libraries branch location, you can request the item (place it on hold) and it will take a few days to process and relocate to Newman Library, or another University Libraries branch for pickup from the Services/Circulation Desk.
Faculty/Staff can choose to have items delivered to their offices via Faculty/Staff Campus Delivery. Select this option under "Pickup Location" when placing your hold.
You will receive an email notification when your item is available for pickup at the User Services Desk located on the second floor of Newman Library, or at your designated branch library Services/Circulation Desk.
Books on Course Reserve are located at the Service Desk of the indicated University Libraries branch and often check out for a shorter period of time. These are available on a first-come first-served and cannot be placed on hold.
If you need something we don't have in our collection, you can use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to request it from another library. If you only need a specific journal article or book chapter, you can request a scanned PDF instead of the whole book.
** Note: Extended Campus Users (faculty, staff, or students living outside the New River Valley counties of Montgomery, Giles, and Pulaski) may request delivery of materials through ILLiad, Virginia Tech's interlibrary loan service. Select the "REQUEST: Extended Campus Users Request via ILLiad" link under "Get VText" when placing your hold.
You can view additional information about this service on the library's Extended User page.
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- How do I find a book or periodical in the University Libraries' collection? Opens in new window
- How do I get a book or journal article that is not owned by the Virginia Tech Libraries? Opens in new window
- If a book is checked out already, should I request one through Interlibrary Loan? Opens in new window
- Discovery Search: Looking for a ...? Opens in new window
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