Discovery Search on our home page indexes most, but not all, of our journals. The next step is to see if we have access to the journal in which your article was published. Use the Journal Title Database, and search the journal's title. We may have several means of access, so check the date ranges listed for each to determine if any cover your article.
If what you need is not a journal article, such as a conference paper or business report, if you have a DOI (digital object identifier), you can search that also from the Journal Title Database page, using the DOI link in the left navigation menu.
If we don't have access to the source of your article, we may be able to get a copy through interlibrary loan. Try searching your article title again in Discovery Search, but change the limiter to "Expand My Results" under "Tweak your results". If that gets you a result, you'll have a link to request through interlibrary loan that will autofill the form for you.