Anyone with a Virginia photo ID can obtain a Community Borrower Card to check out our material. You'll need to present that ID in person at any of our branch libraries. Then you can use Newman Library, or any of the branches, to check out materials (books, videos, and more) with the VA residents borrowing privileges (which are similar to undergraduates').
Interlibrary loan (ILL) services are limited to current students, faculty, and staff, but you can use your local library's ILL service to request items from our collection (and other libraries around the country).
Remote access to most of our databases is contractually limited to current student, faculty, and staff. Most databases, ejournals, and ebooks can be accessed by anyone while in the library, using our public computers. We make a select number of databases (sources of journal articles and ebooks) available to alumni through the Alumni Library Portal. You'll need to use your PID and valid password to access those licensed databases. You can also access a large number of open access and other freely available databases providing scholarly materials through the portal.