All thesis and dissertations since 1997 have been submitted electronically (ETDs). We are also scanning all print theses and dissertations. As long as your document was not "suppressed" at the time of submission (because it included proprietary data or national security concerns), it should be listed in the library catalog. Perform an author search using your last name at the time of submission. The catalog record will have a link to the online version, if there is one.
Access to these online theses and dissertations can vary. Authors can choose to limit access to campus computers for a period after submission. These restrictions are not always removed when they should, but an email to explaining that you want the ETD to remove the restriction to your own ETD (i.e., allowing unrestricted access).
We are scanning pre-1997 bound theses and dissertations, which is a long-term project. You can request that your thesis or dissertation be scanned by sending an email to with the title and year. The item will then be on the priority list for scanning. When the item becomes available online, which may take several weeks, VTechWorks will contact you.