Last Updated: Oct 08, 2024     Views: 2683

The trick is to ALWAYS export the libraries (from both EndNote and Zotero) as a RIS (RefMan) file type. Then, you simply “export libraries” and then “import files”—the process is pretty much the same on both ends. Specifically:

Steps: EndNote to Zotero

  1. Open the EndNote library you’d like to export to Zotero
  2. Navigate to File menu, then click “Export”
  3. The options menu will appear; make sure you know where you’re saving the exported library TO (e.g., create a special folder called “exports” so you don’t lose the information)
  4. The file name will be the name of your library; the “save as type” will be .txt file; the output style should be “RefMan (RIS) Export”
  5. Save the file in your safe place
  6. Open your Zotero library
  7. Click on the action wheel, then select “Import”
  8. Navigate to the “safe place” where you stored the EndNote library (e.g., to a folder on my desktop called “Exports”)
  9. Select the exported RIS file, click “open,” and the files will populate the Zotero library you’ve selected, showing up in their own folder labeled “Import [Date, Time of import]”

Steps: Zotero to EndNote

  1. Open the Zotero library you’d like to export to EndNote
  2. Click on the action wheel, then select “Export Library...”
  3. A menu will pop up asking you to select a file format—again, RIS (RefMan) is the format you should select
  4. Click OK
  5. Save the RIS file somewhere safe (again, I chose to use a special “exports” folder so nothing got lost)
  6. Open the EndNote library in which you’d like to import the Zotero library
  7. Click on File, then “Import” and select “File”
  8. Use the menu to navigate to the place where you saved your Zotero exported library
  9. Select the file, then choose “Reference Manager (RIS)” as the Import Option
  10. Click “Import”
  11. The exported Zotero library should populate the EndNote library, showing up as “Imported References”

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