EndNote formats references according to the rules set up in the output style. Edit the output style and look at the Bibliography templates section. It is likely that only some of the reference types have been defined. When a reference type is not defined, EndNote uses the generic reference type instead and the formatting may not look right.
If the reference type is not defined, you can add it as a new template. You will need a definitive source that shows you how this reference type should look. Often there is a link to the publisher's site in the "About this Style" section.
Or, the reference type is defined but you do not have the right pieces of information in the right fields. Or it is possible the template itself needs updating.
For additional help with EndNote at Virginia Tech's University Libraries, contact endnote-support-g@vt.edu. Please included a detailed description of the problem you're experiencing, as well as any screenshots of the error.
EndNote has an extensive user support system, including technical support, a user community, and a knowledgebase. Visit http://endnote.com/support for a variety of support options.