Last Updated: Feb 09, 2025     Views: 409

You can search for and access ebooks from the Internet Archive at the URL:

The Internet Archive has a large collection of digitized books that are available for you to read and download. The Internet Archive uses a one-book, one-user model for works still in copyright (most books published since 1925), which means that for each physical copy of a book they own they can "loan" a digital copy to one user at a time. To download and read these books, you'll need to create a free profile so the ebooks can be associated with your account for the duration of the download (most are 24 hours). You will also have to install Adobe Digital Editions to read the downloaded ebooks offline. You can renew that download as long as no one else has requested access to that ebook. Since the Internet Archive is not a subscription resource we pay for, it does not use the standard Virginia Tech login system.

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