Do you have any guides or examples?
The library homepage (also called Discovery Search) uses Primo VE Discovery from Ex Libris. It indexes much of our collection, whether online or physical. You can search for a topic or a known item. You can use filters and limiters to refine your search results. Physical materials will show a location, a call number, and whether the item is currently checked out. Online material will link to the resource and will automatically authenticate you using the standard VT PID/2-factor password, as used by other Virginia Tech systems.
You can learn more about using Discovery Search on the Discovery Search Tool Information Hub and the Discovery Search: Accessing Discovery Search page: A guide to using VT Libraries' Discovery Search.
The Advanced Search feature of Discovery Search can be accessed from the Library's homepage, just below the search box, under the heading, "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?"
The Basic and some Advanced Search information can be found at:
Short FAQ:
Q. Can I do Boolean searching in Discovery Search?
Boolean searching is the process of combining search terms with "OR," "AND," and "NOT."
Here are some guides and example pages:
Guide on Searching Strategies, include:
* Advanced Search Strategies, use of truncation, wildcard, quotation marks, with some examples (from the School of Education Research Resources guide).
ENGE 1215 / 1216 Research Resources page: Advanced Searching, include:
* Boolean Searching, and Search Strategy Builder Tool.
BCHM 5784: Search Strategies (Course Guide for BCHM 5784: Advanced Applications in Molecular Life Sciences), includes:
* Boolean Searching examples.
Neuroscience: Search Strategies (The VT Neuroscience program focuses on advances in genetic, cellular, molecular, cognitive and systems Neuroscience), include:
* Boolean Searching & Advanced Searching Techniques;
* Tips & Tricks for Database Searching;
* Example Boolean search statements using symbols & parentheses; and
* Research Database Fields.
Neuroscience: Search Strategy Builder, includes:
* Search Strategy Builder Tool.
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