Yes. Accessories, including adapters, HDMI/VGA cables, calculators, laptop or phone chargers, DVD drives, keyboards, and mice can be checked out from the Newman Services Desk, located on the second floor of Newman Library during daytime hours.
Important Changes:
* Accessories:
Laptop chargers: only MagSafe 2, USB-C Mac chargers, and Windows Microsoft Surface Pro chargers are available.
*Note: Headphones, microphones, and speakers are NOT available.
** Laptop kiosks (Self-service; Windows only)
- Available for check out (1 Day loan) from the 2/F and 4/F of Newman Library.
**Note: No password is required to start the kiosk laptops. Just restart/reboot the computer for access. No software or browser installation is allowed.
Technology Lending:
Please see the following FAQ for more information.
Other Library Branches also loan some equipment and accessories through their service desks. Please visit individual branch and the associated webpages for more information, or enquire therein.