Last Updated: Feb 18, 2025     Views: 11084

There are three ways to get full-text articles through the library when using Google Scholar:

LibKey Nomad

The best way to access resources found on Google Scholar through the library is to is to install the LibKey Nomad browser extension. Just follow the instructions on the linked page to get LibKey Nomad installed and set up. Once installed, LibKey Nomad will link to the University Libraries' access to articles from websites across the web, including Google Scholar.

Configure Google Scholar to display Get VText links

  1. Click on Scholar Settings.
  2. Search for "Virginia Tech" in the "Library Links" section.
  3. Select all instances listed for Virginia Tech.
  4. Click Save preferences.
  5. Now search results will have a Get VText, [PDF] or Full View link to the article that will connect you to full text (online or in print) or an interlibrary loan form when we don't have any access. 

Use the VPN

Install the VPN software if you have not already done so. Then be sure to select the option to send all traffic through the VPN (not just to on-campus servers--Google Scholar is not located on campus).